Department of Preventive Occupational Hygiene

Preventive occupational medicine performs tasks in scope of public health in the sphere of health protection at work.
Department of Preventive Occupational Hygiene carries out the following activities:

  • prepares methodical and expert guidance and coordinates regional public health authorities in the Slovak Republic in performance of state health supervision in the sphere of health protection at work,
  • carries out activities connected with proposals for usage of biological factors, for storing and manipulation of substances and mixtures classified as Category 1 and 2 acutely toxic with hazard statement H300, H310 and H330 in the workplace, for activities related to production, processing, manipulation, storing, transportation and liquidation of chemical carcinogens and mutagens in the workplace including asbestos and materials containing asbestos,
  • prepares source materials for decision making of PHA SR on proposals for issuance of authorization for performance of occupational health service and for elimination of asbestos materials from constructions,
  • takes part in harmonization of legislation in the sphere of health protection at work with legislation of European Communities, and national legislation in the sphere of health protection at work,
  • elaborates criteria of healthy work conditions, work environment and the way of work and factors which influence them, and rules for prevention of diseases resulting from work and work conditions.

Department of Preventive Occupational Hygiene performs also other important activities:

  • monitoring and assessment of Slovak data on work risks, creation of Slovak database of work risks, maintaining of central register of work risks,
  • realization and coordination of tasks, projects, programs and epidemiological studies focused on assessment of influence of physical, chemical, biological and other factors of work and work environment on health of employees,
  • secures expert counseling for employees and employers in the sphere of protection and promotion of health at work, participates in education of population towards.