Wastewater monitoring for the presence of SARS-CoV-2 virus in the Slovak Republic – progress on 47rd calendar week 2024 - RT-PCR and ddPCR analysis - UVZEN
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Back Wastewater monitoring for the presence of SARS-CoV-2 virus in the Slovak Republic – progress on 47rd calendar week 2024 - RT-PCR and ddPCR analysis
Monitoring of wastewater in the Slovak Republic for the presence of SARS-CoV-2 virus was launched on 02.05. 2021. Since then, samples of waste water from evenly distributed waste water treatment plants (WTP) have been continuously examined. During the year, the monitoring intensity is optimalized according to the epidemiological situation.
The presence of virus in wastewater samples is determined by RT-PCR and digital dd-PCR. Samples are taken in cooperation with individual operators of wastewater treatment plants, regional public health authorities and investigated in the NRC at the Public Health Authority of Slovak Republic.
By the 47th calendar week 2024, a total of 5223 samples were examined by a qualitative and quantitative method, of which 5032 (96,34 %) samples were positive or with limit values.
On 47th calendar week 2024, 23 samples were examined, 23 samples were positive, 1 sample was negative.
On the 47th calendar week, we noticed a small reduce in quantitative tests, which express the copy number of SARS-CoV-2 RNA.
Monitoring of the viral load in wastewater in individual regions points to a increase in Bratislava, Trenčín and Nitra region.
* Source: Operačné stredisko ZZS, ÚVZ SR